Posted on December 2, 2021, 11:09 am

You can add colorful animations to your SMS on iPhone using secret codes that few people know.

You just have to send someone a special trigger by Imessage to activate each effect - including a show of laser light.

The functionality has been available on iPhone for some time, but it has been explained in a recent tiktok video published by the user @UNESPC.

In addition to the laser effect, you can also float balloons at the bottom of your friend's screen on his birthday.

In January, fireworks will burst on the message if you want someone a "Happy New Year".

We have drawn up a list of the best effects below.

How to send an Imessage screen effect?

To send a fun animation to someone, just type one of the codewords below in Imessage.Read also: Microsoft launches Windows 11 with one day ahead.

iPhone : des codes secrets permettent d’ajouter des effets sympas dans iMessage

The recipient must have an iPhone so that the effect appears.

If you prefer not to use a code word, you can always hold the blue ship button stuck after typing a message.

You will then get a list of effects that you can add to the message of your choice.Press the screen at the top of your screen to get an overview of each of them.

Other IMEING screen effects

After typing a message, you can press and maintain the blue sending button to reach one of the following elements.This will be interested in this: WiFi: Does having 2 routers increase the speed of the Internet?.

En lien avec cet article :" Ted Lasso ": un court-métrage sur le thème de Noël partagé par Apple
Lucas GauvinDiplômé de l’école d’ingénieur informatique 42, Lucas est un véritable touche à tout de l’informatique : code, objets connectés, hébergement… Le Hardware comme le Software n’ont (presque) aucun secret pour lui.
Les derniers articles par Lucas Gauvin (tout voir)

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