Posted December 15, 2021, 07:16

By running to finish an article last week, I was flooded with notifications.My safety camera detected someone.The Wall Street Journal shared the latest news.The caterer for my marriage delayed by the pandemic asked for information on drinks.

If the notifications contained useful information, they constituted major distractions.Push alerts are simply out of control.


A weekly condensed of technological criticism, big titles, chronicles and answers to your questions by the gurus of the personal WSJ technology.See the article: I.A can now write your own computer code.Good news for developers..

To help master disorder, Apple AAPPL 2.80 published in September several new features in its most recent iOS, iPados and MacOS software updates.The most powerful, focus, is a customizable extension not to disturb.You let specific people and apps pass depending on the profiles you create for given activities.The goal is to minimize interruptions without missing important messages.

Whether you are in a hurry to meet end -of -year deadlines at work or want your attention to your family during the holidays, you should consider Focus mode.

It is difficult to set up and it is not necessarily obvious, at the beginning, to know which people and to what applications you want to give priority.You will have to do tests and errors to determine who will be entitled to your golden tickets.But when you get there, you will be more productive and less distracted, than you use an iPhone, an iPad or a Mac.

This guide is for users of the Apple ecosystem, in part because the possibility of managing notifications has long been higher on Android devices.However, if you are a curious user of Pixel, Galaxy or OnePlus, you will find the Android version in the digital wellness settings.

This week, I configured a focus profile on my iPhone for the Deadline Day, and I added these VIPs and via (very important apps)) to my list of authorizations: my favorite contacts, my editor Wilson and L'Slack app.I created some other profiles, for fitness, driving and reading.

Create your modes.On your iPhone or iPad (respectively under iOS 15 and iPados 15)), go to the Settings application and press Focus.You will find some default profiles, notably not disturbing, driving, sleeping and working.Press each of them to personalize or delete them.Press the + button to create your own profile.

When a development mode is activated, notifications are hidden in a group "during the focus" in the notification center.

If you choose to share on several devices, the new or modified focus profile will automatically appear on your other Apple devices.(If you want it to appear on your Mac, you have to update it to MacOS Monterey.On the same subject: Xiaomi claims that its new pairs of smart glasses could replace the smartphone.)) This can be useful, but there are many scenarios in which you want to mice only one device, not all, so use it with care.

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iPhone : astuces pour couper les notifications gênantes

Some profiles can activate automatically.Press the profile and select an option under "Activate automatically".For example, the iPhone can detect if you are by car and activate the driving profile.

Choose your contacts and applications.You will have to anticipate what your future needs when each mode is activated, and for me, it has taken some tests. Dans Paramètres > Focus, appuyez sur un profil pour spécifier les personnes et les applications dont vous souhaitez recevoir des alertes.

When you place people in the list of authorized contacts, you will be notified if they send you messages or call you.If someone else tries to reach you, your phone screen will not light up.However, you can see the alerts if you open the notification center.

To define an absence message, activate the focus status option.People who do not appear in your authorization list will be able to notify you anyway.

The list of authorized contacts applies to telephone calls and messages from Apple's messages, as well as those from non -Apple participating applications, such as signal.See also: iPhone update: What are the new features available?.

If you activate the option "Share the statement of the focus", under options, the people who contact you via the messages will see that your notifications are silent.When they send a text, it will appear as "delivered discreetly", although there is an option to "notify anyway".This option will send you a notification and will cancel the development method.

Activate a focus mode in the control center by sliding from the upper right corner, then by pressing focusing at length.Touch the ellipses to define a duration.

In the list of authorized applications, you can activate "time sensitive" notifications (calendar events, reminders, last minute news, etc..I have not activated this option, because I prefer to name the applications that can distract me.

As for who and what to authorize, it is you who decide.I let the option not disturb as my nuclear option - no person or authorized application - which I intend to use for short periods (meetings, meditations, etc..)).However, I authorize alerts in the event of repeated calls, a parameter activated by default.I told my close friends and family that if they need to join me urgently, they must call twice.

Disable or quickly reactivate Focus from the lock screen by pressing the icon located under the date at length.

Quickly activate the focus modes.The quickest way is to use your voice: "Hey Siri, activates Focus on Work mode".Or, on the iPhone and iPad, sweep down from the upper right corner to develop the control center, then press Focus for a long time to activate one of your personalized profiles.Press ellipses to define a duration, for example an hour or until this evening.If you have a specific profile at your home or your office, the GPS option "until I leave this place" is useful.If you do not define duration, the focus will remain activated until you deactivate it manually.

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To deactivate the focus from the lock screen, press the icon on the date for a long time and press the active profile.

Sur un Mac, cliquez sur Centre de contrôle dans la barre de menus (à côté de la date et de l’heure)), survolez Focus, cliquez sur la flèche > et sélectionnez le profil souhaité.

It is important to know what Focus is not.The function can cut non -essential notifications, but it will not prevent you from falling into a Reddit or Instagram well.To do this, you need downtime, which deactivates all applications except those specified in the always authorized parameter of Screen Time.For maximum efficiency, Apple should really associate Downtime and Focus, but it is a discussion for another time.

Share your reflections

How do you resist the distractions of your phone?Take part in the conversation below.

Finally, another rapid way to improve the madness of notifications is the summary of notifications, also new in iOS 15.It gives you a daily summary of non -essential notifications.In the settings, go to notifications, then press programmed summary to activate it.You can program one or more summaries per day, and there is no synchronization between the iPhone and the iPad.This is another feature that I would like to see working in synchronization with Focus.It would be great to get a summary of what you missed while you are focusing.

Lucas GauvinDiplômé de l’école d’ingénieur informatique 42, Lucas est un véritable touche à tout de l’informatique : code, objets connectés, hébergement… Le Hardware comme le Software n’ont (presque)) aucun secret pour lui.
Les derniers articles par Lucas Gauvin (tout voir))

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