Uniphone that does not work as it should be a real source of frustration.An application that crashes as soon as you open it, the phone that sebloque each time you return to your home screen or you are sending an sms ... raging failures, but for which there are easy solutionswork.
For random problems and bugs, like uniphone which does not remain connected to Wi-Fi, which constantly plants or which is just a slow, it is necessary to restart for force, called Hard Reboot.It is a method that is often applied to a computer that makes its own, and often it also solves concerns on an iPhone.
Hard reboot according to the iPhone model
Whatever the method used, it is important not to release button (s) before seeing the Apple logo appear on the screen you phone.
Subject the iPhone autonomy problems
For energy consumption problems, you must first identify the most used applications or services. Cela se fait enallant dans Réglages > Batterie.Scroll down to the graphic which shows the use of the battery per hour, with a list of applications and services as well as the quantity of batteryutilized.
Give this list in search of a functioning background application (mentioning "activity in the background") or use of a higher application than you think.
An application like Outlook has an activity in the background which is normal because it ensures the permanent update of the reception box.On the other hand, this is not necessarily necessary for an application as Facebook. Pour contrôler l’exécution en arrière-plan d’uneapplication, rendez-vous dans les Réglages puis allez dans Général >Actualiser en arrière-plan et désactivez la capacité del'application à se rafraichir lorsque vous ne l'utilisez pas.
Sachez aussi que la section des paramètres de la batterie (Réglages >Batterie > État de la batterie) vous permet de voir si la batterie doitêtre remplacée.
Set storage problems
Apple has integrated a storage management tool into iOS which not only show you what takes up space, but also recommends desmesures to take to solve the problem (Android 10 does the same).Allez dans Réglages > Général > Stockage iPhone et attendez quelquessecondes pendant que l'information se charge.
Browse the list of recommendations to see which Apple Services Service will take.Then browse the list of applications to see the most space uses.Press an application to get more information, in particular the options allowing the data associated with it.
Other current problems and rapid solutions
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CNET article.Com adapted by CNETFRANCE